Coren El de Castañas Selecta Sausage Loin 900g - 1Kg

Coren El de Castañas Selecta Sausage Loin 900g - 1Kg


33.05€ Kg

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5/8/24   with  Envío a domicilio


Due to its aroma, flavor and attractiveness, this product should be consumed raw or sliced thinly. Sandwiches, tapas, snacks, sausage boards, canapés, bouffette, etc., are some of the most common applications of this product... The cured loin has no carbohydrates. Its iron content stands out, not only from the point of view of quantity but also of its quality, as it is very bioavailable and absorbed more efficiently than iron from other foods of vegetable origin. It is also important the contribution of other minerals such as magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and sodium

Brand: Coren Selecta
Origin: Spain
Valor energético: 991KJ / 237 kcal
Grasas: 8,63
Saturadas: 3,044
Proteínas: 39,34
Sal: 1,69
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