Ecoherbes ECO Dry Peppermint Infusion (10 PCs)

Infusión ECO de Hierbabuena seca Ecoherbes (10 Uds)

Mentha spicata.digestive and relaxing properties. Suitable at any time of the day, its delicious and fresh flavor lingers on the palate for hours.sachets Ecoherbes dry, whole leaves and flowers, organic, homegrown and handmade, with the system of draining "easy drip". Hermetically sealed individual packaging, with biodegradable organic material - compostable and transparent, where you can appreciate all the content and the highest quality, while preserving the aromas, flavors and properties intact. It is a dynamic format, easy to use, suitable for both individual teapots and cups. It is delivered in boxes of 10 units per type and each bag is identified with the name of the product in four languages and the Ecoherbes Quality label.

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